Tennessee Titans
Campaign Concept
Graphic Designer
Creative Director
Aaron Rayburn
Create a message that urged both players and fans to maintain the momentum from the 2020 playoff run and carry it into next the season.
The Titan's playoff success wasn't just for the players. It was for the fans too. Titans fandom goes beyond what happens on the field. It's in every game day party, tailgate, and local bar. Everyone’s eyes are on the Super Bowl.
Everyone wants to go for it all this year. We wanted to show the fans highlighted alongside the players in their moments.
What we've done
1. Strategic Discovery
2. Moodboarding
3. Concept ideation
4. Buildout concept in various touchpoints
We wanted to elevate the Titans' visual presence into a more modern aesthetic. Make something exciting and high-energy that matches the Titans' excitement and expectations for that season. The purpose was to show fans and players on the same visual plane, powerful, amp'd, and ready to go — hoping to bring a connection from the fans to the players. Everyone feels like they have ownership of this team.